How Much Does It Cost to See a Dietician

Get Fit n Fine With Top Dietician in Delhi

The best diet clinic in Delhi for your better health! Diet2nourish is on the top and leading diet clinic that gives the best diet & nutrition plan for your health by the best Nutritionist in Delhi.

Now you can get
your Diet plan on



Diet2nourish is a diet clinic located in South Delhi, operated by Dt. Priyanka Jaiswal, Receiver of National Nutrition Award


Priyanka Jaiswal – Winner of National Nutrition Award for best dietician, work towards making you understand the basic root cause of your health issues and suggests what could be the best way to reclaim your health. She is the best nutritionist in Delhi to help you combine healthy foods with your daily busy schedule and works toward keeping you active, energetic, fit, and healthy.

Diet2nourish, meaning eat to nurture, believes in holistic nutrition which means healthy eating foods in their most natural state possible for your optimum health and wellness. It is not only about diet, but you have to accept what you eat if you wish to get all the good nutrition out of the foods.

It is a belief that food is not just the fuel to our body but it could be medicine or poison depending upon the situation. We use this same principle and create the best care plan for you to overcome your health and medical issues.

Priyanka Jaiswal (Dietician & Nutritionist) help you understand the basic root cause of your health issue and then what could be the best way to reclaim your health. She is the best nutritionist in Delhi to help you combine your healthy foods with your daily busy schedule and helps you stay active enough to get the best positive health results.

It is easy to get a diet chart but the challenges come when one starts following it and has to stay on track for your health journey. We will walk hand in hand with you in your Health Goal journey and will help you in maintaining and sustaining your health goal results with our evidence-based nutrition techniques.

Diet Programs


About Dietician

Dt Priyanka Jaiswal Recipient of National Nutrition Award for best dietician, is a strong believer in making a true connection with what you eat and derives the benefits of complete nourishment out of the food you eat for your overall health benefits.

She is one of the top dieticians in Delhi and all her approaches are based on scientific research and logical thinking, combined with the basic requirement and needs of human beings in terms of nutrition and food.

She combines modern science and new technological developments with traditional old home remedies, naturopathic, and Ayurveda concepts to create a complete healthcare plan. The treasures of Indian spices, herbs, ancient kitchen remedies, combined with balance and adequate nutrition as per your health requirements, make it easier for you to achieve your health goals.

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Why Choose Diet2nourish?

We feel safe in the hands of only the best of health experts. Nutritionist Priyanka Jaiswal, National Nutrition Award Winner, uses the following tools to assist you in your health:

  • Finding the uttermost ailments and the best way to overcome this.
  • Full computation of your medical parameters, vitals, daily routine, dietary habits, choices, and taste buds.
  • We then outline the best strategy for your care plan.
  • Daily monitoring of your food intake and health status.
  • A maintenance program to keep and sustain your results.

Delhi's top dietitian & nutritionist Priyanka Jaiswal understand the importance of your time to manage your work and home, so along with clinic visits, Priyanak jaiswal (nutritionist & dietician) also provide all the solutions through Home visits, Virtual communication with you over the telephone consultations, video consultations, text messages, whats app, emails. her programs may target on Weight loss, Weight Gain, Diabetes management, PCOS/PCOD, Digestive Issues, Thyroid Hypertension, Healthy Heart, Pregnancy and Lactation, Post Pregnancy Weight, Kids Nutrition, Liver Disease, Keto diet, Renal/Kidney Issues, Gluten/Lactose Intolerance,and many more. Connect with best dietician expert in Delhi and learn the art of mindful eating and healthy living.

How Diet2nourish is Different From Others

What's right for you depends on who you are and what you want to be? At Diet2Nourish, we work closely with you, supporting you with "Real Foods for Real Results – for Exclusively You" on your journey!

We are passionate about your health and are always there to support you all through your journey. We try and know you better than anyone else would have ever. We have an integrated concept of healthy eating and nutrition approach for all. We understand your lifestyle better and design concepts based on your lifestyle and other conditions.

We do things differently (and better) than others:

Individually Tailored Plans

"No one size fits all". Our approach is based on individually tailored programs, both for – actual plan and for each session. We understand that everyone is different, and has his or her specific preferences and needs.

Weekly Diets

Eating healthy is not difficult, it just takes a little bit of guidance and practice. We understand that when it comes to staying healthy, the best way to make it impactful and bring lasting changes is to form habits in smaller steps, which you can stick with for life.

Daily Interactions

As your primary health care support, with us, you are in an ideal position to interact on a day-to-day basis with our experts on tips and resources that will help you address all the sensitive topics that may concern your health. You can always be in touch with us over different social media platforms.

Support for all Medical Conditions

People with certain medical conditions may face difficulties maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We review our client's condition and consider substitution with appropriate diets that are neutral and medically appropriate.

Be Anywhere You Are, We Are with You Always

If you have decided to be healthy, making the decision is an important step in becoming healthier. When you are trying to develop new healthy habits, support from the right people can go a long way towards finding success. We are there for you, wherever you are, even when you are traveling.

Long-lasting Outcome

When it is about diet, everything that is old is new again. We believe that the best diet is the one, that you can maintain for life. We aim towards making you eat high-quality and nutritious whole foods, and improve your lifestyle, which not only makes you healthier, but also you can sustain for the rest of your life.

We Are for All

We believe that living healthy, fit, and happy is not a prerogative of a selected few. Our diet plans are highly customized as per your need and requirements, and we value – who you are? To eat well and stay healthy, you don't have to break the bank with us. We devise ways for you in planning your meals, cook healthy at home, and make smart and healthy choices, as per your income.

Diet Facts

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Clients Testimonials


I am living in USA from past 12 years and have been really busy with my studies, jobs and household activities. In all that I have lost count on my healthy eating and started eating whatever comes easy and cheap. But then I realize that I am losing my health. When I consult with Priyanka, she helped me understand that how I can eat healthy even when I am very busy and have less of resources. She planed my diet as such that I gained my healthy again slowly, hair fall stopped, feel more energetic and active, and sleep well. Thanks to Dietician Priyanka Jaiswal I now manages my health and feel healthy and happy.

Dr Hitesh K Agarwal Assistant Professor (South Carolina, USA)


My main healthy goal was to lose weight and stay healthy. Priyanka (dietician & nutritionist) helped me understand the real meaning of food and health. She help me to change my bad eating habits and helped me reducing my weight without compromising on my daily schedule. Now I know how to maintain my weight and stay healthy.

Dr Pratibha Ranjan Physical Therapist (Michigan, USA)


I wanted to know that how I can manage my health because I was very much busy in my job and did not had time to eat healthy foods. I always use to look for some easy solutions for my balance eating. Priyanka (dietician in Delhi) helped me understand that how I can manage my balance eating and stay healthy and can prevent some life style disorders. Thanks to her now I can manage my balance nutrition.

Vipin Mittal CBI Officer ( Delhi)


I am a home maker and a mother of 2 boys. I had lost hope to ever lose my weight because I had no time for myself. But then when Dietician Priyanka Jaiwal provided me a diet plan, it was so simple and practical. I didn't had to prepare separate meals for my dieting and still I lost a good amount of weight.

Geetanjali Bhardwaj Merchandiser (Delhi)


I am a complete foodie and have a sweet tooth and had resigned to being overweight for life. I was scared to work with any dietician. But when I had a word with Priyanka (Dietician & Nutritionist), she explains that how her diet is calorie based and she will give me Desserts and cheat day in between my diet to eat, I was impressed. Even chaat has been incorporated in my diet on a regular basis. Even with all this I have lost 8 kgs and 2.5 inches from my waist. I am still following her diet.

Hemlata Thakur Home maker (Delhi)

best dieitician in delhi

I am a sales manager and I have to travel a lot for my work. I had to stay 4-5 days in a week in hotels and had to eat whatever is available. Of course I had no time to exercise. This made me gain a lot of weight and belly fat. Then I got chance to get a diet plan from Dietician Priyanka, and it changed all my lifestyle. Today not only I have lost my extra weight but I have also lost my extra belly fat. She changed the way I think of food. Now I know how to manage my healthy eating while I am traveling and working.

Harkesh Singh Technical Marketing Manager (Pune)


My focus was not on losing weight but I wanted to stay fit and healthy. Priyanka (dietician in Delhi) gave me a diet plan which was not only customizes as per my taste and choices but also was very simple to cook and eat. As I am living alone away from my family because of my job, it was very difficult for me to eat healthy. I had not much time to cook and was not feeling good in eating outside all my meals daily. She gave me simple and practical solutions for my problems.

Varun Gupta Mechanical Engg (Jaipur)


I always had a week digestion and had a lot of digestive issues since many years. I didn't know what wrong I was doing in my daily eating. But when Dietician Priyanka Jaiswal explained me how digestion works and how can I make mine better I was surprised. I tried her diet for 1 month and I am glad I did. Today not only my issues are resolved but also I can eat my choice of foods without fearing of getting troubles in my stomach. Also I feel more energetic and happy with my body.

Vinod Maurya Senior Merchandiser (Delhi)


Your detox plan was amazing and gave me so many good results. I had great energy all day and feel so fresh. Thankfully, I had a lot of options to eat and not just fruits and vegetables and juices. At first I didn't expected it will give me much results but I saw changes in my energy, sleep and skin. Also I lost 5 kgs in just 40 days.

Samriddhi Goyal Production Assistant at NDTV (Delhi)


I was suffering from Pre-diabetic condition. My health goal was to reduce my blood sugar levels so that I do not need to go on insulin. With Priyanka I was able to not only control my blood sugar levels but also maintain a good health. She taught me how to manage my food habits and control my cravings for sweets and oily foods. Thanks to her I do not have to take any medicine for diabetes.

Sharda Jaiswal Home maker (Mumbai)


I am a diabetic patient and was having breathing difficulty because of my weight. My doctor suggested that you should start some exercise so that you can lose some weight and you would be able to manage your health issues. But even when I started walking there we not many improvements. Then I consulted with Nutritionist Priyanka. With her diet plan, I was able to lose 6 kg just in 1 month and my stomach issues were all gone. Also, I felt more energetic and light. Her easy and simple diet made me more motivated to lose weight and become more healthy.

Kiran Singh TomarWife of Narender sigh tomer ,Minister of agriculture & Farmers welfare


VVIP Client

Priyanka is Dietitian of Mrs. Kiran Tomer, Wife of Narender Singh Tomer, Minister Of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare


Frequently Asked Question: Dietician in Delhi

What is the difference between a dietician and a nutritionist?

A dietician is an expert who guide people on food and nutrition for clinical and non-clinical health issues. They are professional and certified people and have done practice in hospitals, clinical, nursing homes etc. While on the other hand a nutritionist is one who advise people on food and nutrition for their health issues. They may be self-proclaimed or may have done some small diploma or certification in the field of diet and nutrition.

Does a dietician only assist with losing weight?

No, a nutritionist in Delhi is disciplined in many areas of humanistic nutrition and helps people in knowing the relationship between diet and illness. A dietician can give you guidance on a wide range of issues including but not limited to:

  • Weight loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Issues
  • Thyroid
  • Hypertension
  • Healthy Heart
  • Pregnancy and Lactation
  • Post Pregnancy Weight
  • Kids Nutrition
  • Liver Disease
  • Keto diet
  • Renal/Kidney Issues
  • Gluten/Lactose Intolerance

How can a dietician help in health management?

For a human, diet plays an 80% role in maintaining our good health and 20 % is physical exercise. It means even if you are quick enough but not eating perfectly then your body is experiencing in a way or the other. So when you have a health issue or some clinical issue or just need weight loss, you need to consult with a dietician who can tell you what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat as per your body and health needs. Consult the best dietician in Delhi for weight loss to know the tricks to maintain good health.

Are a doctor and a dietician different?

A doctor diagnoses your medical or health issues and prescribes medicines as per your health needs. On the other hand, the Best dietitian near me will tell you about what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat as per your wellness and medicinal needs.

Should I consult a dietician or a nutritionist?

A dietician is a specialist who guides people on diet and nutrition for clinical and non-clinical health issues. Best dieticians in Delhi are professional and certified people and have done practice in hospitals, clinical, nursing homes, etc. Whereas a nutritionist advises people on food and nutrition for their health problems. They may be self-proclaimed or may have done some small diploma or certification in the field of diet and nutrition.

Who can consult a dietitian?

Any person can consult a dietician in South Delhi if they need or desire to update or change their diet, feeding habits, or meal outlining, both for good health or medical state.

How many sittings will I need?

This is a tough question to reply to as everyone has distinct needs. The least would be two sessions to find information and monitor your process and acknowledge follow-up questions. But, if you want to make some long-term changes to your diet, health or weight then this will take more appointments. There is testimony to suggest the longer you see a dietician in South Delhi the more reliable results you get.

What will occur in my appointment with a dietitian?

We will have a conversation with you to acquire more about your eating habits, exercise levels, and lifestyle. You will be monitored and questioned to ensure we have a good perception of your life. You will have your issues answered and have complex health and nutrition theories explained in friendly terms you can follow. You will gain practical knowledge and a plan of work at the end of the session by a dietician near me.

Will I be provided a meal plan?

Some people feel a meal program is what they need. What you will gain is a plan which takes into fits your lifestyle, medical restrictions, and food choices by a dietician near me. If you like a structured way or just want some approaches we can work with you along with the method you like, to improve make the modifications you desire.

Can you advise me with options to junk foods?

Whether you are watching to drop your weight or simply eat healthy, it's rarely a bad idea to keep an eye on your junk food intake. In some cases, your best dietician in Delhi for weight loss may suggest that you stop eating junk food completely. This normally appears out of necessity due to a medical state, such as diabetes. No worries, your dietician will suggest an alternative for your cravings.

Can I ever have sweets?

Sweets are not completely off-limits in a diet plan, but they must be replaced for other carbs, not eaten in interest to your diet. Substituting healthier foods with sweet treats, nonetheless, will possibly cost you important nutrients. When you crave sweets, the Best dieticians in Delhi recommend taking foods that do not contain added sugar, like fresh fruits.


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About Diet2Nourish

Diet2Nourish is a Diet clinic, where you can find the best ways to deal with your health and medical issues. Under the supervision of our best dietician in Delhi, you will not only lose your weight but will also learn how to empoweryourself in making positive lifestyle changes.Our healthcare plan will be based on healthy eating. We provide betterment in your health without any starvation, or products or supplements. Start your health journey today by joining the best nutritionist of Delhi.

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How Much Does It Cost to See a Dietician


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